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The story could be only about the seme!

Fox spirit May 20, 2024 7:39 am

Honestly, I thought that the guy in the uke’s memories would come back at some point. INSTEAD, we had the awful best friend act and the way the seme chased after the uke after. I wish the story was about the seme and other people. The uke leaving work was too much! You can support your best friend still having a life! The lack of boundaries, I just cannot…besides, homie left seme at the airport and the best was faking it! Okay, he was walking, he could have recorded the moment and shared with his best friend. It was just very disrespectful and disgusting what was done with the seme.

    mirakaaii June 4, 2024 10:13 am

    i meant to upvote this sorry omg i agree sm