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Complex female characters

ugetsu May 20, 2024 9:53 am

Yall scream and cry for multifaceted complex female characters and can't handle one when it is presented.... like mommy was treated like a cattle when she married celphi's dad and on top of trauma of giving birth she had to be scared to die as soon as her babie is born... her reaction and resentment towards the lapiloens is completely justified and acceptable. I love her. As long as she is not shaking hands with piece of garbage princess

    Meli May 23, 2024 5:58 am

    Well, I wouldn’t say that I love her, but I think her reaction is justifiable and I think it’s respectful that she’s not doing anything malicious.
    The princess gives me rapy vibes
    Persahti is one of my favorite characters and I love that she is always well intentioned and kind but I think that she honestly should’ve just minded her business in this one - and I understand that she didn’t because she was obviously given a warning that was very vague and non-specific
    Obviously, anyone would want to investigate and get involved if they were given some kind of weird warning out of the blue by someone that they don’t even know
    Keep in mind she also has no idea that Celphis mom was even alive in the first place or anything like that
    And also, she doesn’t have to know because again the mom left that family, which was a choice that she decided
    Also, based on our knowledge, it seems like the husband told her about the curse before they had a child so I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but it seems like she had some kind of knowledge about what she was getting into
    No one is in the wrong here. I just think everyone needs to chill and just kind of mind their business and move on lol
    Except one thing I know for sure is that Theo and Perchati need to properly communicate, but I know that they’re gonna end up doing that anyways because they have been doing that decently well so far yk