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quick recap for those who’re confused from a ln reader lol

cher May 20, 2024 11:55 am

so the big bad guy i already forgot his name but he was mentioned in the new chapters, is now pushing forward with a massive war. the flashback we saw is between arthur (grey) and (wait shit did this happen in the webtoon yet lol) uhh nico, it was a flashback of his past life. this flashback is important for what happens next. imo this is where tbate gets rlly good. urmm what else uh yeah basically before this all they were doing was preparing for war, sylvie and arthur met her grandfather (king of dragons or something idk) so now sylvie can transform into an actual dragon bc she’s being taught properly. suuuuuuuper excited to see how they do the next arc in the webtoon.

    calebsp10 May 20, 2024 8:26 pm

    Big bad guy is Agarona I think that is how you spell it