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Chapter 1

anonymous-rin May 20, 2024 4:12 pm

so i'm just starting this but when MC cried at CH1
╥﹏╥ i felt so bad for him, then missing an important once in a year exam ╥﹏╥ but seriously, did his brain got shaken during the accident that's why he got ability all of a sudden? i know there's a fantasy tag, but there's also real life cases when some people got into an accident affecting their brain, and they suddenly become savant (like suddenly becoming musical genius that can play piano in just one hearing of a music).. so i'm thinking maybe that's probably what happened to MC, but i guess i have to read more to find out

    Skuterlu May 20, 2024 4:41 pm

    This is actually a really valid theory. I will love if this was the case it would mean all along it was his own ability not some cheat code