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You're reading for free

mint May 20, 2024 5:05 pm

Some people need to realize you're reading this shit for free lmao, you're not supporting or even dropping a single cent into the author's pocket and yet you guys complain about the plot, the story ect even if it is shitty. You're not contributing anything yet you act so entitled telling author the story has to go this way or that way.

Can't anybody have some common sense anymore? If you don't like it, drop it. Complaining here wouldn't change a thing and you just sound like yapping babies. Write to the UN (●'◡'●)ノ maybe they'll listen to your thoughts lmao.

    lesbian May 21, 2024 3:08 am

    its called freedom of speech bruh… just because we dont pay doesnt mean we cant complain LOL

    mint May 21, 2024 7:34 pm
    its called freedom of speech bruh… just because we dont pay doesnt mean we cant complain LOL lesbian

    jake_5821 May 22, 2024 9:34 am
    its called freedom of speech bruh… just because we dont pay doesnt mean we cant complain LOL lesbian

    omg thank you, people on this site always say, but it doesn’t mean that the things the authors do are good/okay

    Sora May 24, 2024 2:11 am

    Exactly. Just stop reading it at this point I think these people like it just want to complain while pirating. Freedom of speech is nice in all but its stupid of your returning every upload to indulge in something you hate The author doesn’t have you tied up reading this against your will even a child would not keep coming bk to things they dislike.

    jake_5821 May 25, 2024 9:09 am
    Exactly. Just stop reading it at this point I think these people like it just want to complain while pirating. Freedom of speech is nice in all but its stupid of your returning every upload to indulge in someth... Sora

    by someone else complaining, I‘ll know if I would want to read that story. Why are so so hurt by people complaining, like they’re insulting you?

    Sora May 25, 2024 9:55 am
    by someone else complaining, I‘ll know if I would want to read that story. Why are so so hurt by people complaining, like they’re insulting you? jake_5821

    Also it’s one thing to leave a review it’s another thing to complain continuously and attack the author and artist and harass translators via their social media.

    mint May 27, 2024 9:47 am
    its called freedom of speech bruh… just because we dont pay doesnt mean we cant complain LOL lesbian

    Somehow my comment got deleted but I'll gladly say it again.
    Freedom of speech doesn't always make you immune to criticism and whatever you say doesn't always make it right. I'm using my freedom of speech to call you a whiny little "babe