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Im on chapter 59, reading still (rant ahead)

What the— May 20, 2024 5:57 pm

At first, I like Wonjae’s pettiness, but right now it rubs me wrong how he’s being a jerk to Sungjoon. I mean sure, Sungjoon’s a douche and he kinda deserves it, but isn’t it going for too long? Besides, he’s been trying to properly express himself yet no one sees. And I know he meant it when he asked for fairness and told the teacher the truth why he skipped class—actually he’s been telling the truth all along to the teacher but people don’t believe him because of Wonjae’s lies, its frustrating to see it happen all the time, repetitively, yet we only get to briefly read about some deeper problems, like Wonjae’s relationship with his mother. Adding to my frustration is Youngmin, I perceived him as someone smart or rational, but it went out the window after falling in love. I wish the author would give more depth in Youngmin’s character, as they did with Wonjae.

    asmiir_ May 20, 2024 7:12 pm

    Fam, Sunghoon bullied and coerced Youngmin for over three years, made him spent all of his money on Sunghoon and his gang and isolated Youngmin from everyone at school because he felt the need to put him down and tie him down.. He even helped create the meek, timid, and evasive Youngmin we see throughout s1 lol

    This little pettiness and energy is hardly enough imo.. he needs to actually apologize and see the error in his ways lol

    Also Youngmin in love is actually contributing to his character.. you’ll see later on but he grows feister, confrontational, and more caring. It’s so cute and a major upgrade from the earlier chapters where he often disregarded Wonjae’s pain over his mother disillusionment with her son!

    And even in s2 you’ll see Youngmin is blooming in college lol

    What the— May 21, 2024 1:16 am
    Fam, Sunghoon bullied and coerced Youngmin for over three years, made him spent all of his money on Sunghoon and his gang and isolated Youngmin from everyone at school because he felt the need to put him down a... asmiir_

    Yes, he truly deserves it for bullying Youngmin, and i agree he needs to see his own errors and apologize (been waiting for this), im just frustrated that one bad thing kept happening to him as consequence, i was hoping other bad things besides Youngmin not accepting his redemption while Wonjae makes things hard for him. Something that doesn’t taint Wonjae, because currently, the series of events feels like Wonjae is bullying back, and it feels right given the previous situation but also feels wrong. Like, can’t the author make him suffer without making Wonjae do this all the time. Idk if i explained that well, this book is giving me roller coaster emotions lol.

    Anyway, thank you for replying to me! I just realize I didn’t phrase my initial comment the way I actually meant it but you replied so kindly while encouraging me to read more.

    So Youngmin is gonna grow too and its gonna be a major upgrade? That’s nice to hear, I am really looking forward to reading s2 ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~