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Not try to be judgy but why the parents not know sign language.

Chosomylove May 20, 2024 6:43 pm

Not try to be judgy but why the parents not know sign language.

    Junesonata May 24, 2024 6:24 am

    The sad truth is, most parents are like that......

    SapphireRose May 25, 2024 1:07 am

    Yeah my aunty is deaf and her mum (my nana) and siblings don’t know any or only know the basics of sign, they have always relied on her hearing aid and growing up that was the norm to me, though us kids- so her kids and us cousins were keen to learn some sign, her kids know the most and one of the cousins went to study sign later on… I wonder if it’s like a thing where they feel like they’re to old to take on another language? And just put it on the child to learn how to lip read and to use hearing aids?

    drowning_out_sound May 25, 2024 4:46 am

    It’s actually more common than you would think. Most Deaf kids born into hearing families won’t grow up with sign language. I’m Deaf and my entire family is hearing so of course they viewed being Deaf as a disability and had me do speech therapy to learn to speak and I had to learn to read lips so I could function in a hearing world the way my family thought I should. Doctors actually used to discourage parents from teaching their Deaf kids sign because they said it was limiting their communication to only other Deaf people. While it’s not as common now for doctors to say that, it still happens. I grew up and eventually learned sign language and found the Deaf community, learned the culture and made connections. My family still doesn’t sign but I don’t blame them, it really wasn’t their fault. They were doing what they thought was best because they assumed I was lacking something I would need to be successful in life, In actuality, Now, I am able to make connections in both the hearing and Deaf world so it all worked out in the end.