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Eunsong bae.

Phantama May 20, 2024 9:04 pm

I like eunsong way more simply for the fact he preps jihyuk and makes sure he gets his rocks off everytime, sometimes more than him. Plus the whole dynamic is more interesting to me.

They did him dirty by assassinating his character with the drugs. He's literally the perfect lover but because the author seems to lean towards yoon jun they had to give eun a big handicap and it's annoying.

If jihyuk had closure I'm sure he'd move on to eun faster. I don't feel bad for yoon, he took his anger out on jihyuk, made him cry time after time, doesn't think of jihyuks pleasure, always just sticks it in, even in his dream...

I want to see how they interact during euns heat. We know what yoon is like in rut. I wanna see how eun treats ji during his.

P.s. They all need therapy (︶︿︶)=凸
