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Guys what just happened

Iheartlitc May 20, 2024 10:26 pm

So to sum it up
“I would’ve told u what happened but u ran away” “oh so its my fault, i was in so much pain seungeon” “its my fault hyung dw.” CHOTTO A FUCKING MINUTE .

    BlackBird90 May 20, 2024 10:49 pm


    TreeOfLife May 20, 2024 11:07 pm

    this is exactly why I ended up hating this uke lmao he never takes accountability for his actions, constantly plays up the victim card and puts all of the blame on the seme for anything

    Yu Jung May 21, 2024 12:01 am
    this is exactly why I ended up hating this uke lmao he never takes accountability for his actions, constantly plays up the victim card and puts all of the blame on the seme for anything TreeOfLife

    bc he is a victim he was kidnapped by the seme and raped. like did yall forget how he got to where he is or?? he’s been through so much shit and yall stil bash him for having a little thing like pride.

    Iheartlitc May 21, 2024 2:35 am
    this is exactly why I ended up hating this uke lmao he never takes accountability for his actions, constantly plays up the victim card and puts all of the blame on the seme for anything TreeOfLife

    oh no i’m on the jiwook side 100% i would be fucking pissed too if i got raped and was expected to follow my rapist to America and on top of that to realize all my work and suffering was in vain because i had no debt to pay off for 9 whole years. i would actually lose my shit

    TreeOfLife May 21, 2024 8:11 am
    bc he is a victim he was kidnapped by the seme and raped. like did yall forget how he got to where he is or?? he’s been through so much shit and yall stil bash him for having a little thing like pride. Yu Jung

    no, I didn't forget that. both semes are really something and disgusting (it's like choosing the best of the worst options ever) but at some point uke was acting out just because, making the worst decisions (he should've learned something at this point) and that's when I started disliking him. the secretary was right, at some point he kept believing everyone except the seme and for no reason either. if you tell me it's because seme raped him, then it makes no sense he would believe blonde seme who also tried to force himself on the uke several times over the ML and whom uke doesn't even like. las someone else said in the comments, the author is just bad at writing stories. bad shit happens just because, the uke makes nonsensical bad decisions just so worse things keep happening to him. you say it's pride but his pride trumps his self preservation several times in this story to the point he looks stupidly stubborn