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How do you make your comment say this may contain spoilers?

oen May 21, 2024 2:53 am

How do you make your comment say this may contain spoilers?

    Mr.Clown May 21, 2024 3:29 am

    When you scroll all the way down to write your manga right? Just scan through everything below the "title" bar, below there is the "check this for a spoiler warning" box if you click or tick it, it puts up a spoiler.

    I RECCOMEND to write "this spoiler is for the people who haven't caught up to the latest chapter" for a title so people who have read as far as you can still comment and interact with you :3

    - a clown flying by

    oen May 21, 2024 5:14 am
    When you scroll all the way down to write your manga right? Just scan through everything below the "title" bar, below there is the "check this for a spoiler warning" box if you click or tick it, it puts up a sp... Mr.Clown

    oo I see, I thought you could do it when you reply to others as well. Thanks tho! :))

    Mr.Clown May 21, 2024 6:36 am
    oo I see, I thought you could do it when you reply to others as well. Thanks tho! :)) oen

    Oh when you reply you can't do that but it's better to write spoiler and then as one dot for each line which means they will have to click the "+" button to see the extended message. It's what I reccomend