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I feel so bad for Aiko She no chance, no hope, no escape ╥﹏╥ Instead of this «�...

ladyyaz May 21, 2024 3:34 am

I feel so bad for Aiko

She no chance, no hope, no escape ╥﹏╥

Instead of this « love », why if Punpun became what Shike was to Shimizu ?

    ladyyaz May 21, 2024 6:13 pm

    I personally think that she also deserved the second chance Punpun got at the end but we don’t even know what happened to her body…
    That’s a little disrespectful from sensei in my opinion
    Her salvation bring living in Punpun’s memory when we know he is going to forget her eventually
    I honestly wish she had a deeper connection with Yaguchi