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So confused

Hachiko77 May 21, 2024 3:48 am

Can someone please explain the story to me. So what I have so far is that the emperor ML went inside a novel that is about his empire? So does that mean the body he inhabited is the novel version of his actual self? Or is the novel set in a different timeline so he’s actually in a future descendent’s body??

    Hachiko77 May 21, 2024 3:50 am

    Nvm I’m just dumb I had to read chapter one over again. It’s set 100 years in the future so he is in a future descendants body.

    Clev May 26, 2024 3:17 pm
    Nvm I’m just dumb I had to read chapter one over again. It’s set 100 years in the future so he is in a future descendants body. Hachiko77

    it's 400 years timeskip