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I pity Cirrus

Life goes on May 21, 2024 5:48 am

I have dated someone like Skyler and it’s pretty exhausting. Though I wasn’t extreme psychotic like Cirrus, not feeling the love of someone you love, I totally felt it and even though, I loved that person, I broke up with him cuz he wasn’t showing me love and I was anxious. After breaking up, I realized that he didn’t even love me one bit, I was just deluding myself into thinking he did. And honestly, it was peaceful afterwards. It did hurt a bit but I was in peace.

It must’ve been exhausting for Skyler too dating someone like Cirrus but I can’t help but feel Skyler is a bit shady towards Cirrus. Anyways, Skyler already initiated breaking up which is the correct path in real life and I wish Cirrus did too but this is fictional story. I hate seeing Cirrus act so desperate for someone to just love him, it breaks my heart, this story is just every person he loves traumatize him. Let’s see how much toxic can this get.
