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It’s kinda slow for some reason

Motivation May 21, 2024 6:06 am

The story is nice and interesting but it seems slow and fast at the same time? The scenes suddenly cut to the next part but the plot is so slow, we’re in chapter 50+ now but the only progress made is her contract and the orphanage problem. Maybe i’m used to some stories having their problem solve fast but this, this is slow…MC’s been adopted for quite some time now but the progress she made to try and make an impact in society so she doesn’t get outcasted by the antagonist is so goddamn slow it’s irritating. She hasn’t done anything except spiral down in her own insecurities wether she can do anything, which is realistic and all but cmon—alot of the thing she’s been doing just seem like filler stuff and the emperor situation right now is the only thing that’s making the story interesting for me…the villainess seems more interesting than MC considering how much more complex her character seems…i guess the MC just huge PTSD problems…but i wish this progress faster, i’m sorta getting impatient.
