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Plz help out

Amoeba©$ May 21, 2024 7:34 am

I am searching for a bl manga... can't remember the name though. Read it and forgot its name..but it was really good.
They were office colleagues. The uke was suffering from depression and the seme helped him overcome it and stuff. Uke fell in love in the process. And seme pretended he was in love too. But later one day uke found out that whatever seme was doing with him is just an acting.he was just using him to pass time or he made a bet( don't remember clearly). Then he cried a bunch and moved on. Changed office and moved far away from seme. Later seme feel regret.the end.
The angst was so so good
I cried a bunch and wants to cry more guys plz plz if anyone know the name plz tell me ╥﹏╥
