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Well said Rishar

JustBeingMyself May 21, 2024 1:09 pm

Both parents should be put down. All they care about is their own pride and ambitions, both in exchange for their own son's happiness. Some readers here defend the father, because of what happened to him as a victim himself. But to me, he is equally guilty. That doesn't give him the rights to make his son miserable as he was and using him as a pawn in his plans.

    Kpaekpae May 21, 2024 5:04 pm

    Exactly, ! The king is also guilty if not more than the queen when it comes to how he's treated his own son. Like at least the queen isn't hypocritical about being the bad guy.#-.-)

    JustBeingMyself May 22, 2024 6:48 am
    Exactly, ! The king is also guilty if not more than the queen when it comes to how he's treated his own son. Like at least the queen isn't hypocritical about being the bad guy.#-.-) Kpaekpae

    Exactly. He's doing the same things to his son, while he hates someone else doing that to him. He should know how that feels.