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I didn't like the chapter where Jin picks on Shougo for "neglecting" Yuu. I mean all he di...

aerslevdi February 11, 2017 6:41 pm

I didn't like the chapter where Jin picks on Shougo for "neglecting" Yuu. I mean all he did was getting a job!!! What is he supposed to do??? Live 24/7 next to Yuu?
That chapter really ruined Jim's character for me.
And the last one... Of all the marvelous ways you have to find out your partner's feelings you go and choose the most idiotic, underhanded and hurtful way (excluding cheating, that is) WTH dude???
Certainly that guy wasn't boyfriend material

    Mameiha January 4, 2018 5:47 pm

    Once again, I agree completely with my fujoshi sister. Poor Yuu, taking abuse for trying to be responsible and dependable rather than a useless layabout. And the last story's chef... I don't know. Part of me knows that second chances are necessary in love, but his manipulation just didn't sit well with me. Perhaps it is because he involved a third party? What will he do when little Yama-whatever decides he doesn't want to give up the attention and affection the chef was showering on him? Will he say, "So sorry, I was just using you to make my lover jealous"? That's how stalkers are created and stalkers always hurt the person they see as an "obstacle" first. The chef was setting his lover up to be stabbed in the street.