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Everybody suddenly in Matthew's business

LadyEmily May 21, 2024 2:59 pm

it's really silly that all these people really care what Mathew does. Also extremely unrealistic. it's not like there was some video or photograph floating around of him and Jin. and as far as we see nothing of the shooting seems to have been made public. so how did this 'rumor' even start... just from the one dat Jin drove him home from school. That's some forced drama.

    xXCyrus_Xx May 21, 2024 4:45 pm

    Fr though. I think the rumors started from red haired guy who I believe is the son of the cop who put Jin behind bars that time, he told that to red haired guy when Jin was on TV.
    It is very unrealistic that Matthew would be pulled from the top spot since as you said there was no video or photo going around but I think its the fact that Matthews teacher has a strong negative opinion on that kind of thing and so he's trying to get Matt out of it since he's the teachers top student or whatever.

    PlotLikeMyGravyThickens May 22, 2024 3:17 am

    Red hair dude hates and is jealous of Matthew. It’s obvious he talks shit and spreads rumors, not to mention Matthew making an appearance at that party, getting high, and almost fucking that girl publicly didn’t help. People love to talk and be up in other people’s business, so unfortunately I do believe it’s not forced. It’s just people.