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The FL is awesome but I hate the society of this novel

Chryselephantine May 21, 2024 3:18 pm

I love an OP MC but I really hate the "might makes right" setting here. What is the point of the social hierarchy when literal SERVANTS can blatantly talk shit to your face?? Even a weak Duke's daughter shouldn't be treated that way. Even the ML wouldnt care ab her if she wasnt OP. Also there are so many contradictions.. apparently being weak means you lose your nobility? But then Sedin is strong but treated badly for being a commoner. Alte dislikes her bc he sees her as pampered and spoiled but fails to see that everyone in and outside of their home is allowed to disrespect her? Please just have the FL wipe them all out at this point.

    Hopeless_shipper May 24, 2024 10:49 pm

    Yeah this story is just uh...not that good. The arts cute and I'm reading for the male lead mostly and cause I want to see the three constellations but other than that eh,not that gorundbreaking or interesting