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HRAensn May 21, 2024 4:50 pm

Thanks to those who answered without being weird.
I have OCD (compulsive thoughts and repetitive things I tend to do), so I can’t rest unless I know but I don’t want to re-read this story either, but the brain is not siding with me. Kinda hard to explain but even if I didn’t have OCD, just don’t reply if you’re going to complain, it’s unnecessary drama. Nobody is hurting anyone for asking questions. Yes they can just read it but I already did and I was asking about the recent chapter…lmao that’s all, what’s to get worked up for?

In Topic—We shouldn’t put the red, yellow, green flags on these characters. Flags are annoying me. I can’t seem to like any of them except maybe MC. As for Jeremy, he’s been treating MC like an object half the chapter list or more, only recently he’s gotten better, but of course not enough to like
him. Sometimes characters go back to their old habits, I’m going to wait it out and see if he’s gonna actually get development or stay practically the same.

This is probably one of the few stories that make me not want to choose an endgame. Maybe Daniel but something feels off, can’t pinpoint it. Nah, I’m not risking a choice…
