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guys, i have a theory

beyblade May 21, 2024 5:45 pm

Remember how Heechan was physically assaulted by the teacher for recking his car and missing textbooks? The teacher hit Heechan so hard to the point of bleeding (although that was partly manipulated by Heechan). Minjae was there the whole time, saw everything that happened, but only stepped in at the end when he knew things will work in his favor. Now, fast-forward —> a similar-ish situation where Andy and Heechan are arguing outside the hotel suite. At this point we know Minjae is already in love with Heechan. Do y’all think Minjae was eavesdropping on the whole conversation and found out about the sex tape? He only decided to step in when Heechan got hit. Maybe he wants Heechan to feel jealousy and sexual attraction towards men, specifically him? In the novel, there was a conversation before they saw drunk Andy where Heechan suggests that Minjae plays with a pink dildo to scare off Andy. Minjae says that doing so will only intensify Andy’s pursuit because if the person you like gets excited in front of you, wouldn’t you get excited too. and unlike Heechan who is dense af, Minjae can actually read people. So, he would have noticed the change in Heechan after he brought Andy back to his villa. that’s my theory.
