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is it just me or?

Tanpopo May 21, 2024 7:20 pm

i read comics to see happy fluffy sometimes angsty couples to enjoy life vicariously lol
but when it comes specifically to euihyun i come back to being an average woman thinking "it's all good buuuut what about really wanting a child? what about financial independecy?" it's abo smut and fiction just fcking enjoy someone finally being safe
projecting much i guess? can i just enjoy stories or what ( ̄A ̄)

    Anyratac May 21, 2024 9:03 pm

    It’s cause this is not a fluffy happy manhwa TnT
    You get anxious because Euihyun is anxious. There’s literally an endless amount of red flags on Taeju’s back :’)

    Tanpopo May 22, 2024 12:11 pm
    It’s cause this is not a fluffy happy manhwa TnTYou get anxious because Euihyun is anxious. There’s literally an endless amount of red flags on Taeju’s back :’) Anyratac

    ofc! i meant that in similar mangas it's kinda easy (for me) to detatch from their problems and see them as cute and fluffy in the future, but here i want euihyun nothing but true happiness in independence security and love. i guess his story is well-written so i feel that way