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Hahhhh Cliff...I already hate you and you're fuelling it even more

Faust41s May 21, 2024 9:24 pm

I get he is influenced by the author, but damn, this stupid ass boy was ready to pounce at any words thrown by Edith. Like dude do you not have any self-control, you arrogant ass sob

And og FL who I forgot her name,... was it Emily ? Anyways, yeah she's also influenced by the plot. But girl has no other personality option but damsel-in-distress + gaslighting oneself + playing victim? She's the type of girl I seriously can't stand

Also, Killian - you need to work on your communication skills a bit, because as as much as you care for Edith...some better word selections would be greatly appreciated.

Apologies for the ranting, I needed to vent but super happy there's an update

    Ann May 21, 2024 10:47 pm

    The fl is the author so thats why she acts like that

    Ann May 21, 2024 10:47 pm

    The fl is the author so thats why she acts like that shes a wolf in disguise