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Frarkness May 21, 2024 9:31 pm

Jihwan definitely made it possible that Sooyoung wouldnt get in in the first round, he/his father must have ties with someone important. He probably doesn't want him to go to college because after getting rid of his small high school circle he doesn't want to deal with the huge amount of people in college swarming around Sooyoung, especially when he won't be able to be in his class and around him 24/7 like he does in high school. From what I got he wants to lock him up in his apartment after they graduate and now this mf appears

    Just a dumb bitch May 24, 2024 5:37 pm

    I think the mf is going to warn him about the psycho. The former friend chikened out but that is more realist so I like it