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I can understand people who chooses their friends over their own family. Reality is for so...

Decaaaakes May 21, 2024 9:36 pm

I can understand people who chooses their friends over their own family. Reality is for some of us, the first ppl to betray us is our own family. Maybe this is just me mumbling shts online with people who don't personally know me.

I'm actually the idiot for always trusting people even when I've been let down countless of times. The thing is I am extremely sick, it started last Monday. I asked our relatives for help since I live alone and their house is a bit far from my dorm but not too far that they couldn't come. My aunt replied nonchalantly saying I could take care of it myself when she was the one who told me to ask for help when I needed it.

My fever, sore throat, and cold got worse cuz I got depression and when I'm alone my mind would replay all the traumas and mental abused I've been through so I was constantly crying to myself.

Until last night I couldn't take it anymore I felt like dying cuz I couldn't even breath so I asked my friends for help. And yk what? They were the first people who actually showed that they care. They went to my dorm and brought me food and medicine. Although they couldn't nurse me since it was late at night, I still appreciated their efforts. I calmed down after that and was able to finally eat my first meal of the day and I was still crying to myself cuz ut was the first time someone did that for me(I've only known them for less than a year)

    Decaaaakes May 21, 2024 9:40 pm

    for additional context my biological father chose his mistress over me so I cut him off after they demanded me to apologize to them for opening up to my mom and telling her what they did to me.

    My mom is working abroad so she can't physically be there for me, but I've informed her of my situation (just not the can't breath and depression part cuz she worries a lot) She told me to contact her friend rather than our relatives and maybe that's because she knows that we couldn't count on them. It was visible that they were only helping me while secretly wanting something in return and when they no longer have anything to gain from helping me, they distance themselves. This is truly a lesson for me.

    Diraroo May 21, 2024 10:17 pm
    for additional context my biological father chose his mistress over me so I cut him off after they demanded me to apologize to them for opening up to my mom and telling her what they did to me. My mom is workin... Decaaaakes

    Sometimes the closer one can hurt us badly than a stranger. in your case indeed your cheating bastard father. Hopefully your mom can divorce him and you can live with your mom instead.

    Decaaaakes May 21, 2024 11:32 pm
    Sometimes the closer one can hurt us badly than a stranger. in your case indeed your cheating bastard father. Hopefully your mom can divorce him and you can live with your mom instead. Diraroo

    they've broke up long ago since my mother would never tolerate cheating, but there's no divorce in my country so she just financially support me when I was living with my biological father. I can't live with them anymore so I left and now I'm living in a different place far away from them, my mother still supports me.

         May 22, 2024 3:34 am

    The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb, as they say