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Bruhhh why???

Faust41s May 21, 2024 9:43 pm

How is this an epilogue? I wanted to see the honeymoon phase of the couple or how desperately regretful and guilt it's consumed her family.
Why is there an awkward preteen drama lol this is wholly unneeded, please proceed on

Ashtarte, babe, no, not your hair! Babe, cutting it off does nothing to solve your situation but might trigger a "hey did you cut your hair off?" from a passerby (i.e. ML)

Also, Rion, sweetheart, I get you're new to the whole relationship bit. But still, a simply confirmation of feelings holds no solid foundation in a society as yours. Either a ring or proposal would be a better guarantee (yeah he realises now but I'm just so dumbfounded no one taught him this basic knowledge)....

Please just communicate, it will solve all this annoying confusion. They're too considerate of each other's feelings that they kept missing the timing with each other and kept on assuming ( ̄へ ̄)
