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I'm confused

Ohmarwin May 21, 2024 10:37 pm

I'm confused

    Witchery May 22, 2024 1:56 am

    She realized that his “affection” was rooted in his desire to mold and possess her, rather than genuine care. It’s not that he’s dishonorable, he will still keep his word, but she knows that he doesn’t genuinely care for her as a person, but rather an accomplishment (he picked her up when she was destroyed and built her into a functional weapon to be wielded in high society). She still intends to work with him and keep her word, but she’s putting up boundaries to keep their relationship professional from now on.

    Saphir May 22, 2024 3:19 am
    She realized that his “affection” was rooted in his desire to mold and possess her, rather than genuine care. It’s not that he’s dishonorable, he will still keep his word, but she knows that he doesn’... Witchery

    I don't understand why she reacted like that...she knew....Lol he said it from the beginning so why she is even surprised. Isn't that the base of their relationship... entertainment for him and revenge for her

    Witchery May 22, 2024 4:00 am

    She always knew that he was going to use her for political purposes, but their relationship was essentially a professional one between a boss and subordinate. He began acting more affectionate and flirty than would be required for their working relationship, so she started to become confused. Remember she has been in an incredibly vulnerable state for the entire time she’s known them. It’s not surprising that she would start to develop a dependency on the person who saved her and built her new identity.

    Ohmarwin May 22, 2024 7:47 am
    She always knew that he was going to use her for political purposes, but their relationship was essentially a professional one between a boss and subordinate. He began acting more affectionate and flirty than w... Witchery

    thanks (●'◡'●)ノ
    Btw what about that dark haired dude... He confused me too... Is he evil? Will be a 2ML? What's his deal?

    Saphir May 22, 2024 9:14 am
    She always knew that he was going to use her for political purposes, but their relationship was essentially a professional one between a boss and subordinate. He began acting more affectionate and flirty than w... Witchery

    It makes sense thank you for your explanation