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Contrary to what the stories wants/told us to believe….Taekjoo is truly such an incompet...

Eldraco May 22, 2024 2:07 am

Contrary to what the stories wants/told us to believe….Taekjoo is truly such an incompetent spy lol.

He just takes everything at face value and this super brash when he does bother to think. Then he doesn’t even have the physical aptitude to save himself when shit hits the fan in most cases.

His mama should be worried cause he really ain’t cut out for this lol

    levipleasecallmeback May 22, 2024 2:22 am

    LITERALLY!! i dropped this in the beginning because of it. but after trying to reread and catch up, this doesn’t change and it’s so annoying… i dont get why the author made him a “top spy” and pretend he was super intelligent and well rounded when the entire mission he had to be saved by the enemy. not only that but he’d also do extremely impulsive things and always fail at trying to gather information???

    eggbenedict May 22, 2024 3:08 am

    Omg trueee and in later chapters in novel, zhenya usually helps him out on his cases, saves him from dangerous situation, and he actually failed to catch the person hes assigned to, causing to fail. And another one, the extra chapters, Casino, Zhenya helps his ass to get his client info, cause the client knew hes a spy and zhenya helps him out. I love him, butttt- my man is not cut out for this. Hes way to naive (in a sense) and is lowkey imcompetent

    icaruswalks May 22, 2024 3:11 am

    i thought of this too lmfao either this or he’s just attracted to zhenya in his own way right from the start. red flags right on his face and he chose to believe what he wants to believe instead of doubting him more