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Toxic but

SJune May 22, 2024 4:15 am

With how this story is going, he’s either gotta be with none of them or have a threesome with Ahh in and Jeong (don’t know if I’m spelling it right) because clearly he’s being tossed around anyways. Unpopular opinion of course but there is no genuine connection

    mary May 23, 2024 11:08 pm

    I totally agree. I really hope he ends up with no one, cause these ships suck. Ah-in and the other guy suck, and like you said there’s like no chemistry. If anything the dynamic w ah-in is more interesting, but that’s only because ah-in is so unpredictable so it’s kinda entertaining to me (but again he’s pm kidnapping joon rn, so he sucks)

    But rlly I just want joon to get a HE, he deserves it