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It it just me

NickName May 22, 2024 5:02 am

Is probably happened before the story became an original, but I remember Stephan coming back earlier in the story and he's just sort of a different person from what he was in middle school causing gray to be a bit disappointed in him, and that's how gray got over his trauma.

I dropped the story before it it finished, and now I came back and like that part is like gone. I also remember when he was taking down the Blondie with the ponytail that likes cats, when he was taking him down the bag he had a dog face on it, but now is a more planar backpack. It probably just change up once it became an original, it's either that or I'm delusional or it's a Mandela effect.

    Veria May 28, 2024 12:34 pm

    You might have memory loss.