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HERES MY THEORY vers only wants to fulfill the prophecy the proper way and unite his paren...

—YOUNGHOON May 22, 2024 1:01 pm

HERES MY THEORY vers only wants to fulfill the prophecy the proper way and unite his parents again. But Agio being taken by the church has been brainwashed into believing vampire are all bad and so is ver and that's why he thinks of him as an enemy. But I'm not too sure since he slept with ken like isnt he a parental figure?

    suckerforbl May 22, 2024 2:08 pm

    I feel the same too!!! But wait when did they slept??

    liyah May 22, 2024 2:29 pm

    I thinks ver started to develop feelings that he himself either can’t explain or doesn’t understand. He definitely sees cain as a parent but bc from what I can tell he feel other’s emotions and memories through blood so maybe he’s confusing his emotions long of his parents and wanting companionship for lust and physical touch

    Lia May 22, 2024 2:39 pm

    Ver only wants to fulfill the prophecy?? He stuck his dick up Ken's ass the first moment he had a chance. Was THAT supposed to be interpreted as love between 'father' and 'son'?? and he probably would have done it again had he not made the decision to let Ken initiate before doing anything else

    Like, cool if you guys WANT his feelings to be solely familial since Cain/Ken was his father figure, but from the storyline they so obviously are not. The most recent chapter proves that even more. Plus, there is no concrete indication that Ver ever saw Ken as a father figure and nothing more. We know Ken saw Ver as his kid, but all flashbacks are from Cain's POV, not Ver's, do there's no telling if Ver felt the same way.

    Lia May 22, 2024 2:47 pm
    I thinks ver started to develop feelings that he himself either can’t explain or doesn’t understand. He definitely sees cain as a parent but bc from what I can tell he feel other’s emotions and memories t... liyah

    He's not confused. At least, not for the reason you stated. Ver's feelings for Cain/Ken are being transmitted to Ian via his blood and flesh. You're right that emotions can be transmitted through blood intake, but it's insinuated that IAN is confused, not Ver. Like I said in my other reply, we've had zero indication that VER sees Cain solely as a father figure, if even that. I don't even see how he'd be warm to Agio, seeing as Agio killed Ver on the spot when Cain presented him. Even before they reincarnated, Agio hates vamps. The situation never gave parents or happy family.

    —YOUNGHOON May 22, 2024 9:41 pm
    Ver only wants to fulfill the prophecy?? He stuck his dick up Ken's ass the first moment he had a chance. Was THAT supposed to be interpreted as love between 'father' and 'son'?? and he probably would have done... Lia

    It's JUST a theory !! Hope that helps it's common sense I fear

    Lia May 23, 2024 12:42 am
    It's JUST a theory !! Hope that helps it's common sense I fear —YOUNGHOON

    A theory I disagreed with on the OPEN FORUM it was originally posted on in a place where people are allowed to respond and react to other people's comments