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Idk who to support.. so this is a lil rant

IwAcHaN May 22, 2024 2:17 pm

Like ya she has 2 guys maybe 3 going after her but they are all kinda shit. I personally think mio has the best chance cause tho broski was supposed to be in love with yurigel he seems to show more interest in ash cause look at their chemistry. PLUS he is one of the people who just see her as her. Yes the ciel does too but ciel just seems too childish yknow. And the duke he is the worst choice im sorry. HE LOOKS AT HER AS A KEEPSAKE FFS!! Ya he now “likes” her for her BUT HE DID PROPOSE TO HER AS A WAY OF NOT LOOSING HER BECAUSE SHE IS THE ONLY “BELONGING” LEFT OF HIS PAST LOVER?! Anyways thats my rant
