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I think ver is mistaking familial love for romantic love since it's been so long since his...

ThotChocolate May 22, 2024 5:15 pm

I think ver is mistaking familial love for romantic love since it's been so long since his memories are a bit jumbled from how long it's been. It's got his feelings all twisted up and

Also... I have a love/hate for agia and his past self. The fact that in the memories he didn't care that Ken's past self wanted to raise and nurture something all he cared about was fucking and more fucking, being alone just the two of them. And now he KNOWS that the prophecy is that they'd die, he KNOWS what it'd do and he say he loves ken??? He decides to follow the church, that has been using and abusing him his whole life, and doesn't think to try to overtake shit? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm idk man I feel like he' going to panic last minute and ken'll already be dead.

    asmiir_ May 22, 2024 11:43 pm

    haha I think in the perspective of the God Agio, vampires back then were more trouble than their worth and as Gods he probably envisioned him and Cain to not involve themselves much with mortal lives.. a bit apathetic tbh but makes sense once you saw how vampires disrupted their lifestyles and stuff..

    Also in the present Agia’s fear of the room that his mentor shared with him trumps any critical thinking from him.. like he probably saw death as the only way out.. also his affection for Ken coupled with the fact that he himself had the talk with the past moon girl brought him the realization that his way isn’t the most sound for both him and Ken..

    I think this season will be a lot of realizations for him whereas Ken learns the truth and sees the church as the big bad obstacle in his relationship with Agia

    ThotChocolate May 23, 2024 4:03 am
    haha I think in the perspective of the God Agio, vampires back then were more trouble than their worth and as Gods he probably envisioned him and Cain to not involve themselves much with mortal lives.. a bit ap... asmiir_

    I totally get that!!! But you also have to remember that vampires were used kinda as slaves/livestock and were looked at as "lesser than" even though they are intelligent. But I get it, he just loved Cain so much that he couldn't imagine anything else.

    But I agree!!! Honestly, like I said it's a love/hate feeling I have for Agia. I think he could be great but he's so consumed by the fear the church has put into him as well as feeling done with life that he's just ready to get on with the ritual. But I hope that agia will come to a ton of realizations because once he changes I'll love his character completely.