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I will always be Team Jinyoung, endgame or not.

fujoshiii_senpai May 22, 2024 8:33 pm

I read the latest chapter. This is only my personal takes, and how I undertands their situation.
Tbh, I'm still on Jinyoung side despite what happened 1year ago between him and Jihan. People see that as "cheating" because JY meet with woman when he have JH that time.

To make this things clear, they are just hooked up partners, and have no relationship. BUT JY surely have feelings toward JH. And based on the raw, JH seems that he like to consider to be in the relationship with JY. Unfortunately, JY's mother doesn't like JH or gay things, and want his son to date a woman. JH knows that.

Seeing JY with other woman makes him hurt that it triggers his trauma from his past relationship, and obviously we don't want that either. Seeing that situation, I was kinda hurt for JH, but I'm sure JY doesn't like the situation too, and only fullfill his mother's annoying demand to see that woman. He need to pretend that he doesn't know JH, and we can see his eyes very hurt. I know JY against to it, but he have too. I believe it was just a casual meet up and no linger feelings unlike the situation of Jihan's ex where it obviously a literally cheating him. If JY doesn't love JH, he will surely do the same thing of JH's ex.

In current timeline, we can still see them hooking up each other and JH settle things to remain as sex friends and no relationship. Well, I know that JH makes everything clear that he doesnt want relationship now, but I can't blame JY to stay on his feelings towards him. You find them annoying but feelings cannot be control, right?

Anyways, I only give my observation on their feelings and relationship. I don't want to invalidate and conclude their situation without understanding them. Also, whatever the author's decision for its ending, whoever be the endgame, we should be happy as well. :)

No hate please. Thank you!


    notTexas May 25, 2024 11:15 am

    Isn't the guy from past an entire other character ??

    No horni >:3 May 25, 2024 7:04 pm

    I feel like IF ever Jinyoung route is the end game i would really question the way the author included Hui-seop in the story