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NEED HELP!!! anyone know this manga??

chahorsecha May 22, 2024 9:27 pm

it starts with a reincarnated boy a child so he is young he was abandoned and or abused but could be orphan and a power holder but he ran from another country as that country gathered the ones with power and are forced to serve the king and nobles can't remember 100% he lives next to a hunter / adventure I think later on they become more close like family and he sells the pray he gets to a noble in area the son takes over and he is a stupid well there was a prince that was sent to the nobles house for being a playboy and cheating on his fiancée the noble was given money to use for prince but he spent it on art and decorations and neglected prince the boy saw him in window asking for help he ran got rope to climb to window after that he helps prince and prince askes him to take him out on hunt he did reluctantly and he became friends with prince
