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i never get tired reading this over and over again

peachymin May 23, 2024 4:24 pm

despite reading it multiple times already the emotions i felt when i was reading this during it’s on-going status never went away. every time i read it, it feels exactly the first time i read it.

the laughs, goosebumps, frustration, nervousness, and pain. all of it. rengoku’s death will always be a shock and sudden to me. and despite watching and reading this over and over again. i still need a week to recover without me crying out of the blue by recalling scenes from kimetsu no yaiba.

and my heart is still very happy that everyone got the happy ending they deserve. i still think that some of the demon should have a chance to get reincarnated as well but who knows? maybe after 1,000 years God will forgive them and they too will have a second chance to have the happy ending they deserve. thank you for the experience! i will be back once again, for now, i need to process my feelings and i will reread this once again after months!
