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wait guys i dropped this and just read the most recent, someone help, i just read chapter ...

hmmmm May 24, 2024 12:09 am

wait guys i dropped this and just read the most recent, someone help, i just read chapter 78 and what happened between our two leads? and was that knight the guy that died (dietrech i think)? Guys i’m so lost and a kid? what has happened since the last time i read-

    Monaloki May 24, 2024 12:12 am

    you are lucky for dropped this shit dont start again they are both disgusting now.

    CuriousGumWad May 24, 2024 1:03 am

    The knight (dietrich) guy apparently just got amnesia and was living in some hicktown and got married to a cool huntress lady. Dog (wilhelm) guy kills the prince off screen (unsatisfyingly) then kills his wife and then him and main girl (reinhardt) get it on and bang for a couple days and he even proposes to her. She then finds out that he left dietrich for dead and didn't try to save him even though he knew they would be attacked and ambushed plus he legit thought Dietrich was dead. She is upset that he didn't try to save dietrich and wilhelm thinks he did nothing wrong. Wilhelm loses his mind, becomes a workaholic and gets depressed meanwhile reinhardt is pregnant. Wilhelm finds out and comes to get his child but misunderstandings occur when dietrich talks to him at the gates of reinhardt's and says I'm going to be a father soon (hunter lady is pregnant). Reinhardt also depressed and Wilhelm doesn't get his kid and leaves. Years pass and she's a crappy neglectful (better than the novel where she's abusive) mom and dietrich is practically raising him because "she can't look at him because he looks too much like his father and that reminds her of him". They eventually go to trade off the kid (for some reason the kid is really attached to his neglectful mother and is upset she's leaving him) wilhelm and reinhardt have a discussion alone where she says she'd rather die then be with him again to prove how serious she is about this she tries to slit her throught with his sword. Then she gets medical attention to which he says "I'll let you leave just let me hold (fuck) you for three days before you leave" so they do that and she's as still as a dead fish. She goes back and leaves her son there dietrich is still the only one who's taking acre of the kid. Another timeskip monsters are attacking more often and whenever they have a meeting of lords reihardt sends dietrich in her stead and the little prince (devon) misses his mother and every year hopes she'll come again and tells dietrich this whenever he says "your mother wants to see you again" she has not though about this child since it's departure. Forgot to mention that Wilhelm is also a shitty neglectful father. Dietrich now tries to convince willhelm to let devon come to reinhardt because he misses her now currently he is trying to use his son to get closer to her as a hostage but neither of them care about their son.

    Tldr they're both shitty people at the end of the day.

    Circa May 24, 2024 3:28 am
    The knight (dietrich) guy apparently just got amnesia and was living in some hicktown and got married to a cool huntress lady. Dog (wilhelm) guy kills the prince off screen (unsatisfyingly) then kills his wife ... CuriousGumWad

    Amazing recap, thank you!!

    ……..but yikessss, glad I dropped this at ch 65

    hmmmm May 24, 2024 4:39 am
    The knight (dietrich) guy apparently just got amnesia and was living in some hicktown and got married to a cool huntress lady. Dog (wilhelm) guy kills the prince off screen (unsatisfyingly) then kills his wife ... CuriousGumWad

    oh. my. god.

    i do not regret dropping now….thank you for this recap.
    If you’ve read the novel, do they end up together?