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Nergal x Leon

♢SJunaS♢ May 25, 2024 4:53 am

I think Nergal loves Leon, remember what mephisto said? “The original plan was to actually put you in a dark room and let you(Leon) breed nonstop” (?) related like that,

then he proceeds to say “But Nergal disapproved that” saying Nergal doesnt like the idea, One of the latest chapters shows a flashback of another chapter when Leon was in his office(?) and Nergal went to find Leon and found him in the side of the corner crying,

he asks if he wants to be moved to his bedroom, Leon just keeps crying(?) then suddenly Leon pulled Nergal and said “Dont go!” “Cliff..” and Nergal’s face looks angry(?)

While Nergal was in the other dimension he picked up a gemstone similar to Leon’s eyes so he kept it and when he went back home, Nergal told Leon that he found a gemstone similar to his eye color

And tells Leon he wants him to wear it as a earring but Leon refused since hes already wearing one , Nergal knew it was from a guy named cliff so Nergal threatened Leon that he will pull the earring out of his ears(?), Leon doesnt want that so he recommends a deal

Its just my opinion though, and sorry for my bad english, english isnt my first language

    accusations May 25, 2024 1:28 pm

    i mean it makes sense but if he really loved him he should've never done this i would've been happy if it was just leon and nergal :(

    lesb May 25, 2024 2:19 pm

    if he really loved him he should’ve commanded others to leave leon alone and never touch him while he was away but he instructed beryl and deus to “look” after him while he was gone which was fucked up