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Fukuyomi May 25, 2024 12:13 pm

Can someone explain what exactly happened in the last few chapters? I don't quite understand why the priest is trying to harm Shari and why Johannes took her in. ( I know the priest is obsessed w her but what exactly does he want and I know Shari resembles Ludovica but why exactly did Johannes Take Shuri in?)

    Yuuki May 25, 2024 12:35 pm

    Exactly what I want to ask
    ( ̄∇ ̄")

    One May 25, 2024 1:32 pm

    Shuri is making moves to stand either neutrally or with the nobles when it comes to the imminent power struggle between the holy church and the emperor. The church. Isn’t satisfied with this they need her to be on their side since she has so much influence with other nobles. So if she agrees they will leave her alone, if she does not they would take her to trial for incest with her son.

    Trodrigo May 25, 2024 3:50 pm

    Johannes took her in bc 1. She resembled Ludovica in the way she shined brilliantly amongst others. She has a bright personality as he gained from their short conversation when he was talking to the pink rose. As we know, he attributes Ludovica to the rare purple rose and Shuri appeared as the rare pink rose. Bc if you see, there are none other by it. It is a singular rose amongst the grass and regular flowers. And it was that rose that made him see the color of Breten, her town.
    2. We constantly see the imagery of the 2 baby lions with spears pointed to them. They represent Jeremy and Claude, his sons. They're weak and the spears are only pointing at them bc Johannes is dead. He understands he doesn't have much time left and knows once he's dead, those spears will point to his sons, so he needs someone to care for them. This is where Shuri comes in. Suddenly he's hopeful as she is a rose blooming in a place unbefitting of her, he wants to nurture her and turn her brilliantly. It isn't out of a sense of romance, but a sense of duty he has towards his sons. Because the only way for his sons to get taken care of, is if he marries Shuri and makes her their legal guardian. Just as he commented about her being docile to her parents despite being brilliant, he understands that she is easy to manipulate as long as her parents agree and once she becomes his, then she will undoubtedly obey and listen to him. Thats why it'll be easy for him to shape her into the woman he needs her to be for when he dies and he leaves his children with her. He needs her to be perfect, in that sense and there's no room for failure.
    3. Shuri is a noble, even while being a noble in name currently, but she is a noble. So, bloodline wise, there wouldn't really be any issue as compared to if she were a commoner. The only issue would be, as he said, the fact that she's a 14 yr old girl. But again, he's not marrying her out of love or lost or anything like that. But only duty.

    Yuuki May 25, 2024 7:53 pm
    Johannes took her in bc 1. She resembled Ludovica in the way she shined brilliantly amongst others. She has a bright personality as he gained from their short conversation when he was talking to the pink rose. ... Trodrigo

    Oooomg thanks

    That must’ve taken you quite some time Thankssss appreciate it (≧∀≦)

    Yuuki May 25, 2024 7:54 pm
    Shuri is making moves to stand either neutrally or with the nobles when it comes to the imminent power struggle between the holy church and the emperor. The church. Isn’t satisfied with this they need her to... One

    OoooooOooooooo I seeee ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Trodrigo May 25, 2024 9:43 pm
    OoooooOooooooo I seeee ヾ(☆▽☆)Thanks Yuuki

    This is also attributed to the psychological abuse given to her by Johannes. Shuri has ptsd and trauma of abuse. Especially as Jeremy continues growing older and resembling his father more. But again, Johannes needed absolute perfection from Shuri so that she could raise them with his ideals and the way he needed them to be raised. That either takes a lot of time to ingrain into a person, or forcefully taught into them. Obviously we know Johannes didn't have much time, so he could only forcibly teach it to her. Correcting every little mistake that would reveal her lowly background. Correcting every mistake that would make her act her age. Forcing her to mature faster than she should for the sake of his children.

    blipblip25 May 26, 2024 8:33 pm
    This is also attributed to the psychological abuse given to her by Johannes. Shuri has ptsd and trauma of abuse. Especially as Jeremy continues growing older and resembling his father more. But again, Johannes ... Trodrigo

    like the case with the necklace, right?

    One May 27, 2024 1:23 am
    like the case with the necklace, right? blipblip25
