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never ever have i seen it.. read it.. whatever

aqua May 25, 2024 1:56 pm

now that's one of a hell f*cking dominant alpha i could've imagine.. is ash even one of them? like in every omegaverse that has "dominant" alpha, i've never seen like ash did when they're in heat.. well i don't know about december since i believe shin hasn't shown it yet, (now i'm curious).. phew, seems one hell of a ride for lyle but that's dominant should be, should not it? hope lyle get well soon ( #-.-)

    IsolemRashlum June 7, 2024 3:04 pm

    Nope he’s not a dominant alpha, him and Lyle are normal alphas. The reason why his rut is wild is because he’s only has it for once or twice a year, his rut’s been pent up so that’s why whenever it comes, it will be more extreme than other alphas