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hikari May 25, 2024 4:06 pm

Damn, that last conversation tugged my heart. Shigaraki qlso finally genuinely called her grandma! Kinda sad that it felt like the storyline is coming to an end with AFO, the main villain, disintegrated and Shigaraki finally got some closure.

But as much as I want it to be longer, it's already a fine end for AFO, seeing those he deemed lesser than him, fighting together. It gives off "no man is an island". One for All served its purpose as a quirk for all, not for Izuku alone. It influenced everyone and AFO got a taste of his own medicine.

Can't wait for the anime to catch up and I can finally see it in moving animation. It'll be a blast.

    hikari May 25, 2024 4:09 pm

    P.S. Dunno if it's THE end, but all I know that it's nearing.