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I’m Confused???

BookyJ May 25, 2024 5:59 pm

What is going on with the school grades and classes? It mentions that only the tops of the regular class can choose to switch classes. So if yuan (the sister) is so good why hasn’t she swapped to the gold medalist class yet? Also, why was the international class worried about fl bringing down their average. It stated in early chapters that it was the class for “stupid kids” whose parents are rich.

    Alistair June 8, 2024 9:02 pm

    From what I understood there are 2 levels
    International and Gold
    Our fl was is the former and did well enough to transfer up but chose to stay. From everyone's shock since they assumed since she would transfer because of that other guy she was chasing. Her "sister" is already in gold.
    Also the classes in each group have rankings it's normal in other stories I've seen for each year 1-3 to have ranked classes from A-D or so A being the typed rank and D being the bottom so I'm assuming they have that her and the lower the class rank the lower assistance is given to the class as well as a lower reputation as in higher ranked classes making fun of them.
    Also seems like the teachers get a money bonus depending on the class' over all rank