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The old hag

Nelle May 26, 2024 3:17 am

Anne, right after the old fogy ass physician, is number two on my shit list. Excuse my language, but I can’t stand that bitch. Right when you think she can’t get any dumber, her critical thinking skills swoop down to record lows.

What in god’s name made her think taking medicine recipes from that man was a good idea when she already caught shit for taking medicine from him before???

Which liar said that wisdom comes with age? All these years under her belt and look at how she acts… This is beyond incompetence, negligence, and insubordination.

I can’t stand a bitch who doesn’t think. There’s absolutely nothing in that tin can brain of hers.

    Nelle May 26, 2024 3:19 am

    Sorry, I had to rant for a second. She genuinely pisses me off

    Trina May 26, 2024 5:48 pm
    Sorry, I had to rant for a second. She genuinely pisses me off Nelle

    Yaaaaa! Someone who thinks the same!!!!
    I couldn't believe she did it again! And why the hell would you give medicine you knew nothing about? You didn't find it suspicious that you couldn't be told general ingredients??? How the hell did you get your credentials??
    I agree stupid Anna.