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Is there a website where I can read the novel for free

    celpity May 26, 2024 12:43 pm TaesWife

    sorry to be such a neek but how do u use this website. . i can never figure out how to find the chapter lists??

    sej May 26, 2024 2:19 pm
    sorry to be such a neek but how do u use this website. . i can never figure out how to find the chapter lists?? celpity

    it's wayyy below and you gotta have an account to open those chapters. I was literally struggling a few weeks ago hahah

    TaesWife May 27, 2024 7:48 am
    sorry to be such a neek but how do u use this website. . i can never figure out how to find the chapter lists?? celpity

    Hey, sorry for the late reply but usually you log in and you’re able to access the chapters. For some reason, this story doesn’t have chapters that are accessible which I’ve never seen happen before you might have to google the name to try and find where you can read it

    TaesWife May 27, 2024 7:49 am
    sorry to be such a neek but how do u use this website. . i can never figure out how to find the chapter lists?? celpity

    For other stories, you log in and scroll down to where it says latest releases then you press the chapter number on the side and it will open a link to a website that has the full translation