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I’m only on ch 57 *spoilers*

Deez May 26, 2024 5:15 pm

Honestly I want to enjoy this manhwa since the premise is interesting and I like the mc but I can’t help and keep thinking about how fcked up the shit the ml does is? Like ml is legitimately delusional at first and thought mc had feelings for him when he obviously hated him?? Even though they became friendly in game before mc ghosted him I think the author could’ve had a better approach on the way they meet up in real life instead of the ml straight up just stalking him… and then forcing himself on the mc to the point that mc is scared he’s going to get harassed/ assaulted but can’t do anything because of BLACKMAIL. that’s fckin crazy if ml looked like a creepy nerd none of this shit would be romantic but oh well hope this story gets better
