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GyroStar May 27, 2024 9:37 am

so i was reading this manga and didn’t finish but i forgot the name but the story goes like this :
it started off in some wild west type of place and there was man who was an assassin(or cow boy) who was assigned to kill this guy which was his 100th kill so that he can quit and he’s the best assassin in that area and no one has survived him but anyways he finds the boy in a open area kind like a farm tending to his sheep and the assassin tries to kill him but the boy dodges and tries to explain himself but the assassin took him in and tied his hands on a rope and tried to take him back to the town to turn him in but they stopped since it was night so they rested and this boy ended up doing things with the assasin and yk how it goes but basically this boy is a con artist who got people killed but in the end they despite the boy betraying the assasin so many times they end oup getting together and the boy never got turned in to the sheriff

    GyroStar May 27, 2024 9:42 am

    assassin(or cow boy) who was assigned to kill this guy which was his 100th kill so that he can quit and he’s the best assassin in that area and no one has survived him but anyways he finds the boy in a open area kind like a farm tending to his sheep and the assassin tries to kill him but the boy dodges and tries to explain himself but the assassin took him in and tied his hands on a rope and tried to take him back to the town to turn him in but they stopped since it was night so they rested and this boy ended up doing things with the assasin and yk how it goes but basically this boy is a con artist who got people killed but in the end they despite the boy betraying the assasin so many times they end oup getting together and the boy never got turned in to the

    Rainy seasons May 27, 2024 9:48 am
    assassin(or cow boy) who was assigned to kill this guy which was his 100th kill so that he can quit and he’s the best assassin in that area and no one has survived him but anyways he finds the boy in a open a... GyroStar

    Hiii I found it!

    “Dead or Alive” is the title is goes by on here

    GyroStar May 27, 2024 12:44 pm
    Hiii I found it! “Dead or Alive” is the title is goes by on here Rainy seasons

    Thanks bae