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i wanna reread this but can’t find it

scared May 27, 2024 12:42 pm

mc has black hair, muscular, and has a incompleted tattoo (it needs to be coloured or smth). he’s in debt and stuff cus his older adopted brother is like part of a gang or whtv and the brother makes mc pays him money and stuff. mc’s little brother finds a way to pay debts and rents by like pole dancing i think? it’s like a club targeted at women but men can go too. mc finds out what his brother is doing and then like hits his brother or smth idk but his arm gets broken. cus the arm is broken, mc has to cover for his little brother and has to learn how to like body roll and stuff, trying to please the women and get money to pay the little brother back for breaking his arm or smth. mc also gets triggered by blood, even js the slightest bit of blood makes him uncontrollable but near the end of the manhwa he isn’t as triggered anymore. also the older gangster brother visits the bar the mc and little brother work at, and at the end of the manhwa, gangster brother opens up his own bar and asks the ml to be one of the performers

i was js thinking of it like a few minutes ago so i wanna read it. it has like 48 chapters or smth like that
