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Ria February 14, 2017 6:48 pm

I've asked this question before sadly no one knows what manga it was, so I'll ask again hoping this time. Here it goes:
-it's a yaoi manga
-story starts with a little girl and her dad inside their house just playing/talking waiting for her "mom"
-daughter asked when is mom coming home I think, my mind is a bit blurry here
-idk but I think the girl asked her dad who his first love is then dad goes storytelling about his first love
-(goes back in the past)there was a girl involved in their love story (it gets a bit angst-y) I thought the seme ended up with the girl because his daughter called the uke mom.
-the last chapter was back in the present time with the "mom" coming home from work and it turns out to be the uke
I really wanna read this story again I hope somebody recognizes it
