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Anime rules! February 20, 2017 4:18 pm

Omg THIS SHIT GETTIN CRAZY! RUN BITCH RUN!! RUN FOR UR LIFE MOTHERFUCKER! RUUUUUUN!!! Holy shit i feel bad for her now. Y TF didnt Bum run for it while he was busy with her. Like WAT THE FUCK BUM! Ur so Damn Stupid! Do U Want To Die With Him!?!?!?
Omg Bum is turning CRAZY
N wtf happened to that fking Cop? Where tf is he???

    misaki-kun February 20, 2017 4:55 pm

    ummm..... she's kinda chained up so don't think she's running anywhere. And Bum has... well....bum legs, so he's not really running any marathons anytime soon either. Just stating the obvious I guess.

    Anime rules! February 23, 2017 10:49 pm
    ummm..... she's kinda chained up so don't think she's running anywhere. And Bum has... well....bum legs, so he's not really running any marathons anytime soon either. Just stating the obvious I guess. misaki-kun

    Oh ik, i was just freaking out a lil