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I think in the end Watanuki is going to be forced to let go of Yuuko ╥_╥

Anonymous February 23, 2017 11:16 am

I think in the end Watanuki is going to be forced to let go of Yuuko ╥_╥

    ddkktt March 17, 2017 5:00 pm

    well this is before the ending of the manga and we know that he waited for her 100 years so.... i dont think so

    Ozzie-sensei July 24, 2017 9:27 pm
    well this is before the ending of the manga and we know that he waited for her 100 years so.... i dont think so ddkktt

    And we also know that it won't be Doumeki Shizuka that uses the egg, rather it will be his great grandson who will or possibly a future generatkon from that with doumeki's face.